We grow over 1,000 varieties of perennials, bulbs, ornamental grasses and shrubs. Browse our entire list of offerings below, by either common name, genus or special feature.
- Acanthus
- Achillea
- Actaea
- African Lily
- Agapanthus
- Agastache
- Ajuga
- Alcea
- Alchemilla
- Alkanet
- Allium
- Alpine Baby's Breath
- Alum Root
- Alyssum
- Amaryllis
- American Arborvitae
- Amsonia
- Anacyclus
- Anchusa
- Anemone
- Anise Hyssop
- Aquilegia
- Arabis
- Aralia
- Arborvitae
- Arctic Orchid
- Arkansas Blue Star
- Armeria
- Aromatic Aster
- Aronia
- Artemisia
- Aruncus
- Asarum
- Asclepias
- Asiatic Lily
- Asperula
- Aster
- Astilbe
- Astrantia
- Athyrium
- Aurinia
- Avens
- Azalea
- Attracts Birds
- Attracts Butterflies
- Attracts Hummingbirds
- Baby's Breath
- Balloon Flower
- Baptisia
- Barren Strawberry
- Basket Flower
- Basket of Gold
- Bear's Breeches
- Beardtongue
- Beautyberry
- Bee Balm
- Beneficial for Pollinators
- Bellflower
- Bergamot
- Bergenia
- Bethlehem Sage
- Betony
- Bigleaf Hydrangea
- Birdfoot Violet
- Black Eyed Susan
- Black Four Leaf Clover
- Black Mondo Grass
- Black Snakeroot
- Blanket Flower
- Blazing Star
- Bleeding Heart
- Blue Cardinal Flower
- Blue Eyed Grass
- Blue Fescue
- Blue Mist Spirea
- Blue Oat Grass
- Blue Sedge
- Blue Star
- Blue Star Creeper
- Blue Wood Sedge
- Bluebeard
- Bluebells
- Bluestar
- Bluestem
- Blunt Mountain Mint
- Boltonia
- Boneset
- Bottle Gentian
- Bottlebrush
- Brown Eyed Susan
- Brunnera
- Buddleia
- Bugbane
- Burkwood Viburnum
- Burnet
- Bush Cinquefoil
- Bush Clematis
- Bush Honeysuckle
- Butter Daisy
- Buttercup Shrub
- Butterfly Bush
- Butterfly Weed
- Button Snakeroot
- Button Style Chrysanthemum
- Buttonbush
- Bulbs for Naturalizing
- Calamagrostis
- Calamint
- Calamintha
- Callicarpa
- Campanula
- Candytuft
- Cardinal Flower
- Carex
- Carnations
- Carpathian Bellflower
- Carpet Bugle
- Caryopteris
- Catananche
- Catmint
- Centaurea
- Centranthus
- Cephalanthus
- Cerastium
- Ceratostigma
- Chaenomeles
- Checkerbloom
- Checkered Lily
- Chelone
- Chinese Meadow Rue
- Chinese Wild Ginger
- Chionodoxa
- Chocolate Clover
- Chokeberry
- Chrysanthemum
- Chrysanthemum coccineum
- Chrysogonum
- Cimicifuga
- Cinquefoil
- Clematis
- Clethra
- Clustered Bellflower
- Coir Pot
- Collection
- Collection of Three Stunning Upright Sedums
- Columbine
- Coneflower
- Conoclinium
- Coral Bell
- Coreopsis
- Corn Flower
- Cornflower
- Cornflower Aster
- Cornus
- Corsican Pearlwort
- Cotinus
- Cranesbill
- Creeping Charlie
- Creeping Phlox
- Creeping Speedwell
- Creeping Thyme
- Critter Resistant Fall Planted Bulbs
- Crocus
- Crown Imperial
- Culver's Root
- Cupflower
- Cupid's Dart
- Cushion Spurge
- Cushion Style Chrysanthemum
- Cut Leaf Elderberry
- Daffodil
- Daisy Style Chrysanthemum
- Dalmatian Bellflower
- Daylily
- Dead Nettle
- Deer Resistant
- Delosperma
- Delphinium
- Deutzia
- Dianthus
- Dicentra
- Diervilla
- Digitalis
- Doronicum
- Double Early Tulip
- Double Late
- Dryopteris
- Dry Shade Tolerant
- Dumbo's Ears
- Dusty Miller
- Dutch Iris
- Dutch Vintage Blend
- Dwarf Bearded Iris
- Dwarf Chastetree
- Dwarf Crapemyrtle
- Dwarf Crested Iris
- Dwarf Iris
- For a Slope or Bank
- False Aster
- False Dragonhead
- False Forget Me Not
- False Indigo
- False Mallow
- False Sunflower
- Feather Reed Grass
- Fern
- Fern-Leaf Bleeding Heart
- Festuca
- Field Scabiosa
- Filipendula
- Flowering Quince
- Foamflower
- Foamy Bells
- Fun Foliage
- Football Style Chrysanthemum
- Fosteriana
- Fothergilla
- Fountain Grass
- Fox's Grape Fritillary
- Foxglove
- Foxtail grass
- Foxtail Lily
- Fragrant
- Fritillaria
- Fritillary
- Funkia
- Foot Traffic Tolerant
- Good for Cut Flowers
- Gaillardia
- Galanthus
- Galium odorata
- Garden Phlox
- Garden Style Chrysanthemum
- Gaura
- Gayfeather
- Groundcovers
- Gentian
- Gentiana
- Geranium
- Geum
- Ghost Plant
- Globe Thistle
- Gloriosa Daisy
- Glory of the Snow
- Goat's Beard
- Goatsbeard
- Gold Sedge
- Golden Creeping Jenny
- Golden Japanese Spikenard
- Golden Moneywort
- Golden Star
- Goldenrod
- Goldvein Iris
- Granny's Bonnet
- Granny's Nightcap
- Grape Hyacinth
- Grecian Windflowers
- Gypsophila
- Good for Hedge
- Green for St. Patrick's Day!
- Hot Dry Site Tolerant
- Hardy Ageratum
- Hardy Hydrangea
- Heal-All
- Heartleaf Bergenia
- Helen's Flower
- Helenium
- Helenium Flammenspiel
- Helianthemum
- Helianthus
- Helictotrichon
- Heliopsis
- Hellebore
- Helleborus
- Hemerocallis
- Heptacodium
- Heuchera
- Heucherella
- Hibiscus
- Holiday Bulb
- Hollyhock
- Honey Balm
- Horsetail Milkweed
- Hosta
- Humidity Tolerant
- Hummingbird Mint
- Hyacinth
- Hyacinth orientalis
- Hyacinthoides
- Hybrid Spring Phlox
- Hydrangea
- Hylotelephium
- Hyssop
- Lady's Mantle
- Lagerstroemia
- Lamb's Ears
- Lamiastrum
- Lamium
- Large Flowered Garden Style Chrysanthemum
- Large Flowering Crocus
- Large-cupped Daffodil
- Larkspur
- Laurentia
- Lavandin
- Lavandula
- Lavender
- Lavender Cotton
- Lavender Mountain Lily
- Leadwort
- Lenten Rose
- Leopard Plant
- Leopard's Bane
- Lesser Calamint
- Leucanthemum
- Leucojum
- Liatris
- Ligularia
- Lilac
- Lily
- Lily Flowering Tulip
- Lily of the Nile
- Lilyturf
- Limonium
- Liriope
- Lithodora
- Little Bluestem
- Lobelia
- Long-Blooming
- Love-Plant
- Lungwort
- Lupine
- Lupinus
- Lychnis
- Lycoris
- Lysimachia
- Magenta Flowering plants
- Maltese Cross
- Martagon Lily
- Masterwort
- Matteuccia
- Mazus
- Meadow Sage
- Meadowsweet
- Mediterranean Bells
- Melittis
- Merton Foxglove
- Michaelmas Daisy
- Milkweed
- Millet
- Miniature Hollyhock
- Mist Flower
- Monarda
- Monch Aster
- Mondo Grass
- Moneywort
- Monkey Grass
- Moss Pink
- Moss Pinks
- Mother of Thyme
- Mount Atlas Daisy
- Mountain Bluet
- Mountain Hydrangea
- Mountain Pansy
- Mountain Rock
- Mugwort
- Muhlenbergia
- Muhlygrass
- Mullein
- Mum
- Muscari
- Myrtle
- Pachysandra
- Paeonia
- Painted Daisy
- Panic Grass
- Panicum
- Pansy
- Papaver
- Peachleaf Bellflower
- Peach Fuzz Color of the Year 2024
- Pearl Millet
- Pearlwort
- Pennisetum
- Penstemon
- Peony
- Pepper Bush
- Perennial Bachelor's Button
- Perennial Geranium
- Perennial Larkspur
- Perennial Spirea
- Perennial Sunflower
- Periwinkle
- Perovskia
- Persian Fritillaria
- Phlox
- Physocarpus
- Physostegia
- Pigsqueak
- Pillar Clematis
- Pincushion Flower
- Pink Muhlygrass
- Pink Promise
- Pinks
- Plantable biodegradable pot
- Plantain Lily
- Platycodon
- Plumbago
- Polemonium
- Poppy
- Potentilla
- Prairie Dropseed
- Prairie Penstemon
- Pre-planned Garden Design
- Primrose
- Primula
- Proven Winner Selection
- Prunella
- Pulmonaria
- Puschkinia
- Pycnanthemum
- Pyrethrum
- Sagina
- Salvia
- Sambucus
- Sand Hill Sage
- Sanguisorba
- Santolina
- Saponaria
- Saxifrage
- Scabiosa
- Scarlet Lightning
- Schizachyrium
- Scilla
- Sea Holly
- Sea Lavender
- Sea Thrift
- Seaside/Salt Tolerant
- Sedge
- Sedum
- Serbian Bellflower
- Seven Son Flower
- Shade Tolerant
- Shasta Daisy
- Shiny Coneflower
- Siberian Bugloss
- Siberian Iris
- Siberian Lily
- Siberian Squill
- Siberian Statice
- Sidalcea
- Silver Archangel
- Single Early
- Sisyrinchium
- Smokebush
- Smooth Hydrangea
- Smooth Penstemon
- Smooth Witherod
- Sneezewort
- Snow Crocus
- Snow In Summer
- Snowdrops
- Soapwort
- Solidago
- Sorghastrum
- Spanish Bluebells
- Spectacular Cushion Style Chrysanthemum
- Speedwell
- Spiderwort
- Spiraea
- Spirea
- Spoon and Quilled Style Collection
- Spoon Style Chrysanthemum
- Sporobolus
- Spotted Dead Nettle
- Spring Snowflakes
- Squill
- Stachys
- Starflower
- Starry Grasswort
- Starwort
- Statice
- Stipa brachytrica
- Stokes Aster
- Stokesia
- Stonecrop
- Striped Squill
- Summer Lilac
- Summersweet
- Sun Rose
- Sunflower
- Swamp Milkweed
- Sweet Autumn Clematis
- Sweet Violet
- Sweet William
- Sweet Woodruff
- Sweetspire
- Switch Grass
- Syringa
- Set of three fabulous plants
- Waldsteinia
- Wallcress
- Wallich Geranium
- Wand Flower
- Wandflower
- Web Exclusive
- Weigela
- Wet Site Tolerant
- White Sage
- White Sagebrush
- Wild Indigo
- Wild Sweet William
- Willow leaf Sunflower
- Willowleaf Sunflower
- Windflower
- Windflowers
- Winter Interest
- Winter Aconite
- Winter Bergenia
- Winter Sweet
- Winterberry Holly
- Wintercreeper
- Witch Alder
- Wonder Of Staffa
- Wood Hyacinths
- Wood Spurge
- Woodland Phlox
- Woolly-Leaved Thyme
- Wormwood
- Woundwort
No "X" plants at this time.
No "Z" plants at this time.