Welcome to Bluestone
We’re a family run, 2nd generation nursery located in Northeast Ohio. We’ve grown and shipped our plants for over 50 years, with over 5 acres of greenhouses and more than 1,400 varieties of perennials, shrubs, grasses, mums and bulbs. We understand how important gardening is to you and we take great pride in helping you enjoy your garden and time outside soaking up Mother Nature.

Our Mission
Our family-run business wants to make gardening a pleasure. We’re a company which hasn’t forgotten how to take care of our customers with:
- 100% Guarantee: We grow and ship our own plants, assuring great quality and service. Our plants are guaranteed to reach you in good condition and to grow’if they don’t we will reship or refund your money.
- Plants Grown Sustainably: Our plantable pots are made from coconut fibers and are 100% biodegradable. The pots are not only good for the environment, but also offer terrific advantages over traditional plastic pots.
- Smart Delivery Methods: Our packaging system is not only economical, but 100% recyclable too. We designed our custom cardboard holder in-house to protect our plants during transit and offers hassle-free unpacking.
- Huge Selection: With over 1,400 varieties of perennials, shrubs, grasses, mums and bulbs, we have everything from tried & true garden classics to the latest unique and exciting new introductions.

Our History
Bluestone Perennials was started in 1972 with two small rented glass houses in Mentor, Ohio. Richard Boonstra had a vision that the new plastic cell-packs and soil-less potting mediums were a natural fit for mail-order marketing and sales. He and his wife, Patti, and their two teen-aged children set their feet on a path that would become their life’s work. They shipped 400 orders that first year from a card table sized office set up in the potting area. Three years and larger rented facilities later, sales were good enough for Rich to devote himself full time to Bluestone.
In 1975, the Boonstras purchased a vegetable farm on 47 acres in Madison, Ohio. The big farmhouse was in sad repair, but the land was good. They set about fixing up the house, and for the first 15 years, the company office occupied half of the house. Every year saw growth and more greenhouses.
As Bluestone continued to evolve, the second generation of the Boonstra family joined the business. Bill returned first in 1983, bringing his young family and wife, Sarah, back to Madison. Daughter Jan later returned from Michigan with her husband and son. By 1994, Bill had taken over the family business with continued help and support from family members (eventually including the third generation too!). Rich eventually retired to pursue his many hobbies while remaining close by.
Photos above: Bill and his father, Richard, in the mid 80’s. Bill’s mom, Patti, in the late 70’s. Bill showing off the plants.