Why are Echinacea called Coneflowers?

Native and heritage varieties of Echinacea all develop a prominent 'cone' in the center of the flower, with petals radiating from the base of the cone. This is the 'cone' of Coneflowers. Some petals fall away from the cone for a charming shuttlecock appearance. Newer varieties and hybrids have been developed with flatter centers, and different colors of petals and cones—it's one of the fastest expanding genus in perennials.

Where do Coneflowers grow best?

Coneflowers are not fussy in the slightest, preferring full sun and almost any well-drained garden soil.

What kind of birds like Coneflower seeds?

The spent Coneflower seedheads are enjoyed by goldfinches, chickadees, woodpeckers, cardinals, blue jays, mourning doves, and pine siskins. Leave the cones to dry in place for a late season food source.

Will my Echinacea cross pollinate?

Echinacea can and will cross pollinate with other Echinacea colors. Two or more types nearby in the landscape will likely produce seedlings in a variety of flower colors. The original plants will stay true, but the offspring (seedlings) may vary.