Shipping Times

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We ship by at the proper time according to your zone in both spring and fall (see the approximate dates below), unless otherwise indicated at checkout. If you wish, you can indicate a specific ship week during checkout.

Spring Shipping

  • Zone 3, 4: Early to Mid May
  • Zone 5: Late April to Early May
  • Zone 6: Mid to Late April
  • Zone 7: Early to Mid April
  • Zone 8: Late March to Early April
  • Zone 9,10: Late March

Fall Shipping

  • Zone 2, 3, 4: Early September
  • Zone 5: Mid September
  • Zone 6: Mid September
  • Zone 7: Mid to Late September
  • Zone 8, 9, 10: Late September to Early October


Fall planted Bulbs will ship upon their arrival from Holland, usually late September. Holiday Gift Bulbs start shipping in late October. Spring planted Bulbs will ship starting the first part of April.

Hardiness Zones

Bluestone Growing Zones